Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sorry it's been quiet!

Apologies for the lack of any news on our resumption of the SAD group. work load, illness, peoples movements have made it difficult to bring it all together, we were hoping to resume in March but we are now looking at April as the earliest that we can do. A date will be given as soon as can be arranged.

I hope to continue where we left off, looking at Media and Advertising and it's effect on the Christian mind. I hope to find some time before the next SAD group meeting and put up a recap of what we covered in our last meeting, so that we can pick up the pace relatively quickly.

Do make use of the blog! Remember it is a forum for group discussion and it can be for various subjects not just the current topic of study just send your email address to and instructions as to how to access the blogosphere will be sent to you! You ultimately make it or break it.