Sunday, October 29, 2006
Today's Meeting on LDS history
Thanks for all of you that were there. There was a lot of material to cover, LDS history is a real rollercoaster of a ride! I do hope to post my notes and summary as soon as I can. Thanks again.
(Picture: Salt Lake City Temple)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
SAD Group 29-10-06- A brief history of the LDS
Hope to cover a little on his family history, his claim to have had visions, and the mysterious golden plates.
Let's also think a little about what cults are and how they operate.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Young People Today!
Friday, October 20, 2006
SAD group authorship
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Interesting Testimony
I managed to catch Radio 4's 'Profile' programme on Saturday evening looking at the life of General Sir Richard Dannatt. He is in fact head of the British Army, recently in the news over comments about the British army presence in Iraq. Little did I know that he is a believer and president of SASRA the Soldiers and Airmen's Scripture Readers Association. If you'd like to hear the programme again you can get access to it on the BBC's Listen again web page.
Brief summary of Sunday 15th October Meeting
Then we asked if there was one word or a couple of words that you would use to describe youth today, We had Mel open up with 'spoilt' and he described to us the fact that we live in a society where we can have just about anything we want.
We spent the last half hour discussing an observation of British society from a US perspective, commenting on the incredible break neck speed at which we have turned ourselves into a secular post christian society, with all the subsequent problems that brings. The comparison between the break down of the Roman Empire and the decline into moral anarchy of Western Europe was also discussed.
We ended with a sobering point asking ourselves 'what will fill the void if society collapses?' among the answers put forward was the rise of militant Islam.
We closed as usual with a time of prayer.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The Blog is yours!
As I said at this afternoons meeting, the blog is yours to do with as you please (within the bounds of Christian courtesy). We will keep a watch on any lunatics invading our space.
Feel free to give feedback on the meetings or any other issues that have been raised in your mind.
All in all I hope we will find it a blessing.
SAD group programme October 2006 to January 2007
A brief guide to
Their history, doctrine and challenge.
Mormonism has 12.5 Million followers worldwide and is growing rapidly in some developing parts of the World. They have 365 congregations in the
The Lust of the flesh, The Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life
The world of Media and Advertising
Its pressure and influence on Society and the Christian.
We are bombarded by advertisements day and night, confronted by images of what is promoted as desirable and the norm. The world is gullible to these things but are Christians too?
The Message of a Modern Story Teller
The Work of M. Night Shyamalan
Looking in particular at ‘Signs’ and ‘The Village’ and perhaps others depending on time.
This will not be a lame excuse for worldly indulgence But rather an opportunity to bring a Christian World view to bear upon the work of this most influential director and to scrutinize through the lens of Scripture.