Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Brief summary of Sunday 15th October Meeting

We discussed the proposed programme I presented (see previous post), Seemed to go down OK with the group, let me know if I was kidding myself on that one?

Then we asked if there was one word or a couple of words that you would use to describe youth today, We had Mel open up with 'spoilt' and he described to us the fact that we live in a society where we can have just about anything we want.

We spent the last half hour discussing an observation of British society from a US perspective, commenting on the incredible break neck speed at which we have turned ourselves into a secular post christian society, with all the subsequent problems that brings. The comparison between the break down of the Roman Empire and the decline into moral anarchy of Western Europe was also discussed.

We ended with a sobering point asking ourselves 'what will fill the void if society collapses?' among the answers put forward was the rise of militant Islam.

We closed as usual with a time of prayer.

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