Sunday, October 15, 2006

SAD group programme October 2006 to January 2007

A brief guide to
‘The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’.

Their history, doctrine and challenge.

Mormonism has 12.5 Million followers worldwide and is growing rapidly in some developing parts of the World. They have 365 congregations in the UK alone and have a very active presence in Manchester and the NW. The chances of being approached by a Mormon Missionary in a shopping centre or at your door are quite high, would you know enough about then to engage with them in conversation and Gospel witness.

The Lust of the flesh, The Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life

The world of Media and Advertising

Its pressure and influence on Society and the Christian.

We are bombarded by advertisements day and night, confronted by images of what is promoted as desirable and the norm. The world is gullible to these things but are Christians too?

The Message of a Modern Story Teller

The Work of M. Night Shyamalan

Looking in particular at ‘Signs’ and ‘The Village’ and perhaps others depending on time.

This will not be a lame excuse for worldly indulgence But rather an opportunity to bring a Christian World view to bear upon the work of this most influential director and to scrutinize through the lens of Scripture.

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