Monday, November 20, 2006

Mormon doctrine - Introduction

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed!" Galatians 1:18

We've spent a considerable amount of time looking at Mormon history, the reason for this is that the whole giant edifice of the Mormon religion is built upon the foundation of the supposed historicity of Joseph Smith's visions. His further revelation of the 'gospel' what Mormons tend to refer to as 'The Restoration' are the historical cornerstone of Mormonism.

If the character and the history of Joseph Smith falls, into disrepute then to a very large extent Mormonism crumbles with it. So you can well imagine that there has been a considerable amount of material produced over the years either defending or exposing Smith and Mormon history. I hope though that we've shown that despite the best efforts of the LDS to paint Smith (interesting to note that most artwork and paintings of Smith are almost 'Disnyesque' with his seemingly glowing angelic face) as a whiter than white prophet and saint, (in effect a new Messiah), the facts are pretty clear and incontestable that at best he was screwed up by eccentric, superstitious parents with a taste for the bizzare, at worst he was a ruthless ego maniac looking to make a quick fortune, seemingly blessed with charisma, charm and good looks. These he exploited to great effect, the rest is history! Mormon history!

By all accounts those who work amongst Mormons say that if you ever want to end your conservation with a Mormon just start to wander onto the issues of their history, you'll find your interview soon gets wrapped up.

While any cult is happy for growth, Mormonism is out to do nothing less than save the world thus it is a religion with a desire to see it's influence spread whether in the political or the financial realm . A case in hand is the real possibility of the USA finding itself with it's first Mormon president in the form of Mitt Romney currently the retiring governor of Massachusetts, a leading contender for the republican nomination in 2008.

Mormonism is keen to be seen as a powerful force for good especially in the local community, examples of this can be seen in areas like Blackpool where they have grabbed media attention for some of their local projects.

(Popular portraits of Joseph Smith)

They need good PR! When we begin to look at some of their doctrines it will become obvious as to why they are desperate to appear as just another main line denomination in the Christian Church but the reality is in fact both shocking and disturbing! I trust that our study and these few notes will help you to see what lies under the mask. Sadly more and more evangelicals are failing to see that to admit Mormonism into the fold of 'Christian orthodoxy' is to have nothing short of a wolf in our midst.

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